Friday, March 27, 2015

missbhavens: So, funny story: In my neighborhood (and in...


So, funny story:

In my neighborhood (and in several New Orleans neighborhoods) the houses are wicked close together. The chartreuse house is mine, and the blue is my neighbor’s. Our two houses are uninsulated and the space between them is maybe five feet at best.

This leads to a phenomenon whereby if someone next door is walking through the house (both shotgun style, just loooong, wide hallways full of furniture, really) wearing hard-soled shoes the sound reverberates and bounces all around to the point where in MY house it sounds like someone is walking around upstairs.

This sucks ass when you know you’re SUPPOSED to be alone in the house.

When we first moved down here I was alone for three months because Brian was in upstate NY in nursing school (yeah, long story) and night after night I’d be woken up by the sound of a man in boots walking around over my head. I was petrified. I’d try and convince myself it was just next door, just next door, but I’d have my hand on the 911 button just in case. After two weeks of this I totally cracked. I broke down and called Brian to tell him the bad news: since clearly I wasn’t being burgled on a nightly basis, then CLEARLY the house was haunted and we would have to move immediately.

After he gave me a nice speech about footwear and New Orleans houses and shoe acoustics I calmed down. Also I eventually met my neighbor (at the time) who turned out to be the singer from the Afghan Whigs which I thought was pretty cool. I mean if you’re going to be haunted it may as well be by Greg Dulli.

But even after five years it still really creeps me out to hear those footsteps and I have to tell myself - sometimes out loud- “Not a ghost”.

Kinda cool? How’s about coolest fucking ghost EVER.

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