Thursday, February 28, 2013

Spent a little time at the old 4Wall today.

Spent a little time at the old 4Wall today.

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Pre rig is underway.

Pre rig is underway.

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"…everybody is identical in their secret unspoken belief that way deep down they are different from..."

“…everybody is identical in their secret unspoken belief that way deep down they are different from everyone else.”

- David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest (via liquidnight)

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Is so important that I have to carry on with an extremely lengthy and loud telephone call on an airplane pre-flight. Nor while in the toilet. Why does this happen in every airport and airplane in the country?

No one wants to know or even consider that you’re shitting while carrying on a telephone conversation. And you are not that important. Your call can wait until you land.

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First time at the airport since November. Which is awesome because traveling constantly for work is … bullshit and I’m really glad to not do it as much.

I’m going to Vegas for a show. A show where I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing. I’m not the Master Electrician, I’m not the Lighting Designer, I’m not even programming. I literally have nothing to do. Which is great. This is the system as it was envisioned. I stay in the office, coordinate everything, get all the drafting and design work done, tie up all the loose ends, take the napkin sketches and make them a reality. Then turn the people hired to do the on site work loose and wait for the phone calls. But… ultimately… I stay in the office.

Instead I’m going to Vegas where we have a Master Electrician that can do this show blindfolded. An E2 who is a 100% ringer between tours where he is the head electrician for some of the biggest artists in the world. The LD and programmer who has done this show a dozen times. And a hand picked crew of Vegas stagehands.

I’m going to walk around with my radio and stare off into the distance. The ME did all the cable routing and planning because she wanted to. She is doing all of the cable prep and packing all the gear. At this point, it’s her show.

So, I’ll just be there to put out small fires. I plan on spending the bulk of my time doing the equivalent of looking busy. Instead of walking around with a broom like in a shop, I’ll do the whole on the road, hold my radio up to my ear and make the I-just-heard-something-really-important-on-the-radio-that-I-have-to-deal-with-immediately face.

A lot of walking quickly out of the venue, remote speaker pulled up to my ear. In other words, a lot of smoothie runs.

Well, that’s the hope. We’ll see what happens.

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theatlantic: In Focus: A Siberian Winter In the Republic of...


In Focus: A Siberian Winter

In the Republic of Sakha, in northeast Russia, Reuters photographer Maxim Shemetov spent two weeks outside, documenting the punishingly cold winter weather. The coldest-ever temperatures in the northern hemisphere have been recorded in the Oymyakon Valley, known as the northern “Pole of Cold,” where, according to the United Kingdom Met Office, a temperature of -67.8 degrees Celsius (-90 degrees Fahrenheit) was registered in 1933. Collected here are a few images from the frigid Siberian territory, where the average high temperature for this month was -40 degrees (same in both F and C).

See more. [Image: Reuters, AP, Getty]

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"This man – clearly in some kind of love with Ratzinger (and vice-versa) will now be working for the..."

“This man – clearly in some kind of love with Ratzinger (and vice-versa) will now be working for the new Pope as secretary in the day and spending the nights with the Pope Emeritus. This is not the Vatican. It’s Melrose Place.”

- Andrew Sullivan thinks the Pope might be gay. (via mediaite)

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flyingtobountyland: This spurs some thoughts and some...


This spurs some thoughts and some arguments…

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marikabortolami: itcouldbeworseitcouldberaining: A person who...



A person who doesn’t suffer from dysania is imaginary.

imparare parole e giustificazioni nuove

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humansofnewyork: “If people don’t start paying closer...


“If people don’t start paying closer attention, we’re going to be living in a corporate fascist state in no time. We’re paying $3.50 for a cup of coffee. You know how much a POUND of coffee beans costs? $3.50. But nobody knows that. Cause nobody’s paying attention.”

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One of my favorite episodes. Extra special bonus: Kubiac is in...

One of my favorite episodes. Extra special bonus: Kubiac is in it.

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psychastenie: just a lil bit of st louis architecture for ya


just a lil bit of st louis architecture for ya

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taureanwar: Celebrate Black History Month - Eunique Jones Click...


Celebrate Black History Month - Eunique Jones

Click here to read story

Those are great.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

harrattanparhar: Blur - No Distance Left to Run An underrated...


Blur - No Distance Left to Run

An underrated album.

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allcreatures: Two dogs are seen guarding a bicycle in Nanjing,...


Two dogs are seen guarding a bicycle in Nanjing, capital of southern China’s Guangxi Province. According to owner Luo Ganren, the pair are protective of him and his possessions. My bike has no lock, and I never worry it would be stolen, thanks to my two puppies. They will guard the bike by holding the bars until they see me back.

Picture: HAP/Quirky China News / Rex Features (via Pictures of the day: 26 February 2013 - Telegraph)

Chuckles The Beast would have already sold my bike off for beer money or he would have just wandered off, whistling a tune to himself.

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"South Dakota is a fun place to say you’re from, but not a fun place to be in."

“South Dakota is a fun place to say you’re from, but not a fun place to be in.”

- advice I just gave my son, who is planning to move to Oregon soon. He’s following his dreams, which is the only thing I ever encouraged him to do. Well, that and take out the trash and not annoy me. (via early-onset-of-night)

Some of the best fatherly advice ice read.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Good Idea

Let’s take radically different economies from incredibly different countries that have nothing in common except proximity to one another and we’ll give them all an identical currency.

Never mind the fact that they will still have their own governments and financial systems with absurdly incongruent economic policies. Never mind that they all speak different languages and have been existing ostensibly separate for hundreds of years. Never mind the extreme cultural differences between them.

Fuck that, this Euro shit is going to make us some CA$H MONEY.

Germany, why did you join this clusterfuck? Well we know why, but really… WHY?

Getting into financial bed with countries like Italy, Greece, Portugal, and Spain is like going giving the guy that stands in the park and yells at trees while drinking 24oz cans of Busch Light all of your life savings to hang on to while you go take a leak.

The Euro is going to be the downfall of the modern financial system. Well that and Congress.

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flyingtobountyland: prozac34: Tangled Up In Blue by Bob...



Tangled Up In Blue by Bob Dylan

What a song. What an album.

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mahoshonen: “Please do not enter the garden area.”


“Please do not enter the garden area.”

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mediaite: thepoliticalfreakshow: Glad to see that the...



Glad to see that the Republican Party is already getting ready to lose the 2016 election before it’s even happened.

The reason Christie was snubbed, according an unnamed CPAC source.

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"The bottom line is this: back when I was growing up, you couldn’t find a gun on anybody. Since 1980,..."

“The bottom line is this: back when I was growing up, you couldn’t find a gun on anybody. Since 1980, the beginning of R&B, Reagan and Bush, there’s been nothing but guns and drugs in the black community for the last 30-some-odd years.”

- Chuck D. talks guns on CNN. (via mediaite)

Fuck yeah. Reagan, what a dicksmacking fuck that guy was.

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fuckyeahbehindthescenes: In the asteroid scene, one of the...


In the asteroid scene, one of the asteroids is actually a shoe. The rumor is that George Lucas asked the SFX people to redo the scene so many times that they got annoyed and one of them threw in their shoe. Another of the asteroids is actually a potato

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

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On Wednesday, the US Supreme Court will hear a case that has the potential to give big corporations free rein to write contracts that prevent consumers from ever holding them accountable for fraud, antitrust violations, or any other abuses of consumer and worker protection laws now on the books.

psychastenie: w/e this song is rad


w/e this song is rad

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fucking-history: “Serbian troops resting in a bivouac after an...


Serbian troops resting in a bivouac after an exhausting day’s walk in Alessio, Serbia in 1912.” (Time)

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Andy FTW.

Andy FTW.

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colchrishadfield: Happy Alligator Lake, Mexico. I’m certain it...


Happy Alligator Lake, Mexico. I’m certain it has an official name, but that’s what it looks like to me.

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fucking-history: A woman praying before the Manger scene at...


A woman praying before the Manger scene at Bethlehem, Palestine, c.1913 (Library of Congress)

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

itsherfactory: Today is the anniversary of Special Agent Dale...


Today is the anniversary of Special Agent Dale Cooper’s arrival in Twin Peaks.

I remember posting a Twin Peaks anniversary post… One year ago. Jesus.

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"We do on stage things that are supposed to happen off. Which is a kind of integrity, if you look on..."

“We do on stage things that are supposed to happen off. Which is a kind of integrity, if you look on every exit as being an entrance somewhere else.”

- Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (via fuckyeahgreatplays)

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"The median age of an Academy Awards voter is 62. They are 94% Caucasian and 77% male."

“The median age of an Academy Awards voter is 62. They are 94% Caucasian and 77% male.”

- 10 things the Oscars won’t say.” Via Market Watch. (via climateadaptation)

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psychastenie: bustedbloodbox: Stacy about to conquer the super...



Stacy about to conquer the super scary wire tunnel high above the ball pit below

via the city museum, st. louis misery

My first kiss was at this place. Not in the wire tube, though. That might have caused a little too much psychosexual trauma, even for me.

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Spouse's thoughts


There’s something about tree farms that I like.

I think it’s the trees.

It’s true though.

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guardian: ‘Early morning mist flowing down a valley on the...


‘Early morning mist flowing down a valley on the South Downs near Brighton’. From water fountains to ice: reader’s best pictures on this week’s theme, flow

Photograph: Finn Hopson

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sexpigeon: You know what? You were honest with your opinions,...


You know what? You were honest with your opinions, and I appreciate that.

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