Wednesday, July 31, 2013

"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

- Mae West (via devilduck)

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"In effect, Lind ruled that Manning was guilty of espionage rather than treason, and under her..."

“In effect, Lind ruled that Manning was guilty of espionage rather than treason, and under her ruling, he could still go to jail for the rest of his life. That’s scant consolation to defenders of the First Amendment or to people like myself who believe that the country has still not recovered from the nightmare of the Bush administration foreign policies. Or who find it disturbing that while Manning languishes in prison, Dick Cheney goes fishing.”

- Meanwhile, Cheney Goes Fishing. By John B. Judis. (via thenewrepublic)

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fuckyeahthelastframe: Blur - Parklife, 1994 (Pedro...


Blur - Parklife, 1994 (Pedro Romhanyi)

Old Blur.

Is there anything better? The answer is, no.

(Besides Pulp, obviously)

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osamah: Where the fuck did July go pretty sure it was 2003 ten hours ago


Where the fuck did July go pretty sure it was 2003 ten hours ago

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3 Things

Are about to happen:

1. Today is my last day because I throw a table and walk away.

2. Today is my last day because someone else throws a table and points me to the door.

3. Nothing.

All options are on the table.

Oddly, I don’t care either way about the first two. That’s my zen state.

It’s that third one that bugs the crap out of me.

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"You see, when you’re middle class, you have to live with the fact that history will ignore you. You..."

“You see, when you’re middle class, you have to live with the fact that history will ignore you. You have to live with the fact that history can never champion your causes and that history will never feel sorry for you. It is the price that is paid for day-to-day comfort and silence. And because of this price, all happinesses are sterile; all sadnesses go unpitied.”

- Doug Coupland (via devilduck)

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avisphlox: takingshotswithjustinbieber: freewriterandnaturelove...





There is a place. Like no place on Earth. A land full of wonder, mystery, and danger!

The Last Bookstore

Los Angeles, California

This place is on my bucket list to visit.

this is the only place i buy books from anymore ((and im going there tomorrow i need some new trashy romance novels)))

cool fact: up on the second floor, 1 book only costs $1. and the amount of cool books up there is endlessssss. so if you have $5 to spend well lucky you

I’m gonna surprise my sister this Sunday and bring her here :)

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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

irefusetobedefined: ddowney: i’m just gonna leave this here as...



i’m just gonna leave this here as a reminder that “hitting bottom” doesn’t mean “staying on bottom for the rest of your life and dying as a piece of crap”

Truth. People are surprising.

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"Before I came here so many people told me, “There are no fat people in Paris." But I think this..."

“Before I came here so many people told me, “There are no fat people in Paris." But I think this misses something more telling. There are “no" stunningly athletic people either. There just doesn’t seem to be much gusto for spending two-hours in the gym here. The people seem don’t seem very prone to our extremes. And they are not, to my eyes, particularly thin. They look like how I remember people looking in 1983. I suspect they look this way because of some things that strike me—the constant movement, the diet, the natural discomfort—are part of their culture.”

- Ta-Nehisi Coates, on health and diet in Paris. (via theatlantic)

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theatlantic: The Airborne Infection That Beats Antibiotics:...


The Airborne Infection That Beats Antibiotics: North Korea’s Other Crisis

There’s a crisis brewing in North Korea that has nothing to do with nuclear weapons or six-party talks. Tuberculosis has long been recognized as one of the biggest public health problems in North Korea, but there is a disturbing new development: much of the TB in North Korea is resistant to regular antibiotics.

Read more. [Image: Kevin Frayer/AP]

It just gets better and better up there.

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fuckyeahbehindthescenes: The character of Kirk Lazarus (Robert...


The character of Kirk Lazarus (Robert Downey Jr.) was originally written as Irish. It was changed to Australian, when Robert Downey Jr. said it would be easier for him to improvise in the Australian accent he had already developed for Natural Born Killers.

Tropic Thunder (2008)


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"I was going to say work on what you love, but that’s not really it. When I think about it, the..."

“I was going to say work on what you love, but that’s not really it. When I think about it, the happiest and most successful people I know don’t just love what they do, they’re obsessed with solving something that matters to them.”

- Dropbox CEO Drew Houston (via devilduck)

Time to discover and then do what I’m obsessed with.

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bonnef: The ages of the Star Trek actors during TOS (1967) and...


The ages of the Star Trek actors during TOS (1967) and STID (2013)

Because I’m a nerd and like comparing things like this…

The reboot cast is, on average, 2 years younger than their TOS counterparts. If you take John Cho out of the equation that jumps up to 4 years…

edit: a follow-up height comparison

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ceruleancynic: mechanicaljewel: A lobster is smarter than...



A lobster is smarter than me.

that’s a mantis shrimp

and it is definitely smarter than me

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mediaite: The Chicago Tribune Homepage Looked Like This For 16...


The Chicago Tribune Homepage Looked Like This For 16 Whole Minutes…

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theatlantic: The Hole in Our Collective Memory: How Copyright...


The Hole in Our Collective Memory: How Copyright Made Mid-Century Books Vanish

Last year I wrote about some very interesting research being done by Paul J. Heald at the University of Illinois, based on software that crawled Amazon for a random selection of books. At the time, his results were only preliminary, but they were nevertheless startling: There were as many books available from the 1910s as there were from the 2000s. The number of books from the 1850s was double the number available from the 1950s. Why? Copyright protections (which cover titles published in 1923 and after) had squashed the market for books from the middle of the 20th century, keeping those titles off shelves and out of the hands of the reading public.

Read more. [Image: Paul J. Heald]

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"A person’s tumblr tells a lot about them. It shows what kind of images they see in their head, who..."

“A person’s tumblr tells a lot about them. It shows what kind of images they see in their head, who they love, who they hate, even when they think about other people. But most of all, it has all the words they never said to people, all the words they couldn’t have said but should have said.”

- Unknown (via frankie-wolf)

This is true.

(via lyall)







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Monday, July 29, 2013

Another evening with these two clowns.

Another evening with these two clowns.

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missbhavens: the-richie: Forever. Best sequence. Berserker...




Best sequence. Berserker forever!

Did he say making fuck?

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la-luminaire: perpetuallight: lil-fox: I kinda wish I had...




I kinda wish I had track lighting in my apartment. I would sooo get me some of these!


does not like, These babies are $500 each and feel poorly put together, when you focus them the focus is wobbly and feels off, the throw is average and I believe if you are gonna spend $500 a fixture you can get something 100x cooler.

sorry for the hatin on etc, I dunno.

ETC did three things well.

1. The source four ellipsoidal

2. The source four par

3. The Sensor Dimming rack (but only with the original CEM and CEM+ brain)

After that, a string of shitty, half assed attempts at doing something else were all they could come up with.

They can’t figure out moving light programming on any of their consoles. Their programming language is abysmal.

On the console end they haven’t figured out that there are A LOT of people out there punting on live events and not everyone is locked into a linear cue stack.

For a theater, great, sure if you’re into their desks, go nuts. But there are other desks that can do way more much more easily.

If Philips hasn’t gobbled up Selecon there might actually have been an ETC competitor, but like everything Philips touches, it all fell apart. Which is unfortunate because the Pacific is a beautiful light and there simply aren’t enough of them in the world. (Their fresnel is a gigantic turd though).

Anyway, ETC, suck it. With the development of this stupid, idiotic, track lighting fixture, you’re one step closer to turning into Times Square, Strand, and Altman.

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theatlantic: The Stupidity of the Crowd The theory of the...


The Stupidity of the Crowd

The theory of the “wisdom of the crowd" has been used to explain everything from the overall accuracy of Wikipedia to the logic of democracy. And in general, that principle is true: Choices made by many are usually better than those made by a few or one.

But new research from Arizona State University and Uppsala University in Sweden adds a caveat to that notion, showing that while crowds might indeed be wise when it comes to making tough, close calls, they are actually worse than individuals at choosing between two options, one of which is vastly superior to the other. When the choice is easy, in other words, the crowd can actually be pretty dumb.

Read more. [Image: Wikimedia Commons]

No shit.

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Ahhh, life.

Ahhh, life.

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thenotes: My parents are in Ireland. It seems to be agreeing...


My parents are in Ireland. It seems to be agreeing with them.

My parents just got back from Ireland? We’re they together?

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brain-food: Book Art Photographyby Thomas Allen


Book Art Photography

by Thomas Allen

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