Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Technical Theatre Asks

Technical Theatre Asks:

Technical Theatre AsksTechnical Theatre Asks

—I’m going to answer these myself because no one will read a post this long anyway. Plus, I do what I like, suckas!—

1. What area of technical theatre do you specialize in?

Lighting Design and Stage Management

2. Top 5 shows you’ve worked on and why?

Amadeus, The Man of LaMancha, Fiddler, West Side. I’m not saying why though.

3. What was the craziest thing you’ve witnessed while working?

Don’t you mean stupidest?

4. How long have you been in the industry?

1999-Present. Too long to not know better.

5. Top 5 favourite gel colours?

L132, R57, L181, R04, not color but… R114.

6. Favourite sound board?

One someone else is using.

7. What is your ultimate career goal in the industry?

To get out and do something good with my life.

8. What is your biggest fear while working?

My co-workers and/or stagehands. That and what I forgot to do.

9. What was something that you learned the hard way?

Jesus, it’s all the hard way, isn’t it?

10. How did you get into technical theatre?

Poor life choices.

11. Have you ever acted?


12. How do you keep your cool while under stress/working long hours?

I don’t. I generally get really angry and do a lot of loud yelling because long hours are fucking bullshit when you’re salaried. Sometimes cases are thrown.

13. What was your worst set strike and why?

Pick any corporate gig I did… That one.

14. What was the most complicated show you’ve worked on and why?

Well, being the LD for 4 simultaneous/overlapping arena sized shows in 4 different cities, all one offs with anywhere between 70 and 200 movers and being the ONLY person working on every aspect but programming… That was the hardest ‘show period’ of my life.

15. 5 Accessories you have with you at all times on the job?

Paperwork. I’m pretty white glove info man these days. So paperwork.

16. Have you ever damaged an expensive piece of equipment?

Oh shit yes. Fuck. More than once.

17. Have you ever had a major problem that you troubleshooted and fixed yourself? Explain.

Even minor problems can be insurmountable problems given the right circumstances. (See learning the hard way).

18. A scary moment during a load in/show/load out?

Killing a transformer that was supposed to be a giant step down crazy science transformer thing turning 400hz power into 60hz power. Wanna hear something terrifying? Hook up the wrong transformer to 400hz power.

19. Favourite books about technical theatre?

Arena Rigging, stage Rigging Handbook.

20. Tell a funny story that happened to you on a job. There is no joy.

21. What is a skill that you’d like to improve on?

Name it. Lighting? Yes. Stage Management? Yes. People skills? Yes.

22. Have you ever been on tour?


23. Have you gone (or are going) to school for technical theatre?


24. Does your family support your career choice?

Meh. I’m 37, they better be ok with it now. But boy were they right when they said, “theater? Are you fucking crazy?”

25. Longest shift you’ve worked?

Uhh, who knows. The longest in recent memory was 32 or 36ish. But it isn’t about shifts … it’s about days on. 47 days without a day off was the longest all with 80-100 hour workweeks.

via Tumblr http://thenelsontwins.tumblr.com/post/72627882200

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