Sunday, September 1, 2013

This was an event in Catholic history that people looked at said...

This was an event in Catholic history that people looked at said next to nothing.

For a religion that pretty much denounces homosexuality this was pretty much the gayest thing that I’ve ever seen.

And I’ve seen some things.

Google it. It is INSANE.

They love their dogma and their preaching but seriously, how many hands did this shirtless group pass through … and they were the ones that ended up as the entertainment for this little party?

HOW MANY PEOPLE saw this group’s demo reel and went… “Well, I don’t have a problem with this, do you Father?”

"Neither do I Cardinal Lance, to me it seems to be a tasteful, and beautiful representation of the male physique and the very essence of masculinity. Plus they take their shirts off."

"Nope, nothing homoerotic about this!"

I want to get into PR for the Church. Jesus. I mean seriously.

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