Monday, April 29, 2013
Coming Soon
An alternate shadow blog/website to further supplement this repository of whatever this is.
When it is up, I’ll let you know.
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mediaite: Jon Stewart uses Urban Dictionary to explain...

Jon Stewart uses Urban Dictionary to explain Congress’ attempts to only fix the parts of the sequester that affect them.
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mannytoodope: Rule #1 If ya got it flaunt it.

Rule #1 If ya got it flaunt it.
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ykoriana: Every single reaction .gif you ever needed, courtesy...

Every single reaction .gif you ever needed, courtesy of William Shatner.
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Not just for Monday anymore.

Not just for Monday anymore.
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Sunday, April 28, 2013
"Never think you’ve seen the last of anything."
- Eudora Welty (via devilduck)
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"I guess I’m not the strapping young Muslim socialist that I used to be."
- Present Barack Obama, lamenting how he hasn’t been on a magazine cover in a while. (via early-onset-of-night)
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atavus: The Monuments Men of World War II The Monuments Men...

The Monuments Men of World War II
The Monuments Men were a group of men and women from thirteen nations, most of whom volunteered had expertise as museum directors, curators, art scholars and educators, artists, architects, and archivists. The Monuments Men job description was simple: to save as much of the culture of Europe as they could during combat.
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A slight chill here at the baseball game.

A slight chill here at the baseball game.
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bostonreview: The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. See...

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. See more from Pew Research Center.
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Saturday, April 27, 2013
Today I purchased something called Banana Sauce.
Here is what I know:
1) It is from the Philippines.
2) It is supposed to be hot
3) Its ingredients start with: Water, Bananas … and it goes in from there.
I have no idea what to expect.
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"The burden of originality is one that most people don’t want to accept. They’d rather sit in front..."
- Marilyn Manson (via devilduck)
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"My daughter wasn’t bullied to death, she was disappointed to death. Disappointed in people she..."
- Glen Canning, father of Rehtaeh Parsons • In a new op-ed/statement published by the Huffington Post on Thursday. Parsons died on Sunday night, following a suicide attempt which is believed to have been the result of extensive post-rape bullying. Be warned, while we definitely think more people should see the grieving father’s words, you won’t find an easy read behind the source link. source (via shortformblog)
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I don’t know if there’s anything wrong because I don’t know...

I don’t know if there’s anything wrong because I don’t know how other people are.
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gacougnol Still from “The Love of Jeanne Ney” Directed by Georg...

Still from “The Love of Jeanne Ney”
Directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst, Weimar Republic, 1927
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mediaite: Let Stephen Colbert’s Nerd Prom Speech Remind You...

Let Stephen Colbert’s Nerd Prom Speech Remind You What Kind Of President George W. Bush Really Was
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2 very different trips. One trip to Olive Supermarket which...

2 very different trips.
One trip to Olive Supermarket which they bill as an Oriental Supermarket. The kind of place where they have GIANT TANKS of live sea creatures that they will pull out and gut for you while you wait. They also have every variety of freeze dried shrimp you can imagine alongside endless food items that I cannot begin to understand.
Then I dashed down to El Supermercado to get hot sauce and accessories.
Not pictured pounds and pounds of rice… Delicious rice.
Both adventures made me realize that I am incredibly American.
Things of note.
1. Weird Asian Popsicles.
2. Hot Sauce in a bottle that reminds me of dish soap.
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colchrishadfield: The first light of the rising sun turns our...

The first light of the rising sun turns our solar arrays to woven gold.
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I don’t have anything to share tonight.
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Futuristic Wonderworld.

Futuristic Wonderworld.
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Friday, April 26, 2013
nationalgeographicdaily: Chicken Farm, PennsylvaniaPhoto: Peter...

Chicken Farm, Pennsylvania
Photo: Peter EssickChickens provide the fertilizer on this Pennsylvania farm. The mobile coops are relocated daily to distribute manure evenly so that it won’t drain into the Chesapeake Bay.
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"Don’t cry, Booboo. Remember the flag only halfway up the pole? Booboo, there are two ways to lower a..."
Don’t cry, Booboo. Remember the flag only halfway up the pole? Booboo, there are two ways to lower a flag to half-mast. Are you listening? Because no shit I really have to sleep here in a second. So listen - one way to lower the flag to half mast is just to lower the flag. There’s another way though. You can also just raise the pole. You can raise the pole to like twice its original height. You get me?
You understand what I mean, Mario?
She’s plenty sad, I bet.
- Infinite Jest, David Foster Wallace (via psyriac)
This is such a great book.
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mediaite: Michele Bachmann tries, fails to quote Shakespeare on...

Michele Bachmann tries, fails to quote Shakespeare on the House floor.
She re-emerges from her cave of idiocy just long enough for the country to roll their eyes and groan wishing she’d just shut the hell up.
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sexpigeon: Ah, to be on dry land with a little spending money...

Ah, to be on dry land with a little spending money in your pocket, shaking the salt out of your bones and sniffing around for trouble to get into.
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slavin: At the Media Lab, I take the stairs whenever I can....

At the Media Lab, I take the stairs whenever I can. Partly for the exercise, which helps my mood.
But also because whenever I take the elevator I flash on this scene from Rushmore. Because this scene contains a raw and essential truth.
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Thursday, April 25, 2013
"How many lives would have been saved this week if every runner in the Boston Marathon had been..."
- Crackpots for Crock Pots! Will Wayne LaPierre Defend Every American’s Right to Build a Pressure-Cooker Bomb? by Michael Kinsley (via thenewrepublic)
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636benjamin: pleatedjeans: 24 Funny Yearbook...

Reblogging for the Cosby quote
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