MC Ride (Stefan Burnett) talking about the legacy of The Beatles during his interview with Pitchfork, November 19th, 2012.
The Beatles are so far beyond overrated.
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MC Ride (Stefan Burnett) talking about the legacy of The Beatles during his interview with Pitchfork, November 19th, 2012.
The Beatles are so far beyond overrated.
(taken from this post on the experiments of Harry Harlow)
This is serious business, because this is a large part of how sexism, racism, homophobia, rape culture, ethnocentrism, etc. continue to happen.
Enrique Molina (via
I was recently pulled over and ticketed for no reason other than I happened to be stopped at a red light in front of a police officer. They have the right to run your tag without any cause. If the tag comes back clean, nothing happens. If the tag comes back with offenses or is suspicious, expect to be pulled over.
I was stopped because my plates did not match the car even though I had just purchased the car, the paperwork had been filed, and I was still within the 30 day window to register in the state of Missouri. I was ticketed for not having insurance on that particular vehicle, although I did carry insurance on two other vehicles including the one I traded in. In the state of Missouri, if you purchase a car, you have to prove that you are insured and have 30 days to transfer the insurance to the new vehicle.
I was also ticketed for not having registered the vehicle in the state of Missouri, which I could not do until I had the title from the seller (I purchased a used car). I had LITERALLY just left the dealership with the Louisiana title in hand. Still, I was within the 30 day window for registering the car.
I tried telling the officer this, but I had no way to prove anything, they would not have read anything I showed them, and I wasn’t going to argue with a cop on the side of the road when I have to get to work.
Both the insurance company and the lawyer said, nope, they were 100% wrong, but yes, they can run your tags for no reason.
The real lesson is, don’t let a police car get behind you … ever.
The 60 second version of the PSA against domestic violence that will air during the Super Bowl from NO MORE.
(h/t melovecoffee)
Real, meaningful advertising. Fuck your Clydesdales.
Holy shit. This is good. Really, really good.
I like it. It’s got that what-a-cruel-world-let’s-toss-ourselves-in-the-abyss type ambiance.
Oh man, I don’t recall these toys.
Although the show scared me at the time.
Extendable tongue.
The Wonderful Atmospheric , Rain drenched Cityscapes of Eduard Gordeev
Here’s how much the U.S. spends on prison vs. education, in one startling GIF